2024 LaSalle Day / AGM Dinner

The Toronto Chapter held its 2024 Annual General Meeting on La Salle Day on (May 15) at Casa Deluz Banquet Hall (豪門宴) in Scarborough.

Kevin Kwok (88), the current chapter president delivered a concise report on the chapter activities in the past year, and Treasurer Francis Yeung (1971), presented a summary financial report.

In the mid of the dinner, President Kevin Kwok presented the mahjong trophy to Greg Chen (1962). Greg won the overall champion at the annual Louis Pomeroy Memorial Trophy Mahjong Tournament held in March 2024. The annual event was held in memory of Louis Pomeroy (1941), who served on the HKLSCOBA Committee before emigrating to Canada. He was a serving director of the Toronto Chapter before he passed away in early 2011.

The AGM saw a strong turnout, with 82 members in attendance, representing a diverse range of backgrounds within our organization. We were blessed with more than a table of senior old boys from the classes of the 1950s and 1960s.

It was a joyous gathering indeed! Our sincere appreciation to Ambrose Cheung (69), Ken Wong (90), Raymond Dau (91), Michael Kong (94), Chris Fong (1994), Alex Tsoi (16), and Kenny Fong (17) for coordinating the event.

The AGM and dinner event was a valuable opportunity to connect with our members, celebrate our achievements, and chart a course for the future success of our organization. We look forward to building on this momentum and continuing to serve our members with excellence in the years ahead.

2024 Louis Pomeroy Memorial Mah Jong Tournament / Spring Dinner

The Toronto Chapter 2024 Louis Pomeroy Memorial Mah Jong Tournament and Spring Dinner were held on 10 March 2024, at NKS Banquet Hall (帝豪名宴), with more than 48 MJ players at 7 competing tables and 5 non-competing tables, and a total of 212 old boys and guests for dinner. It was an exciting and joyous occasion indeed;

Two retired teachers, Mr. Joseph Yu (1961), and Mr. Shum Mow Kee were with us, Ms.Carlie Yip who taught at LSPS, also joined our dinner.

The mahjong competition was fierce and lasted the entire afternoon. The Louis Pomeroy Memorial Trophy was presented by our chapter president, Kevin Kwok (1988), to the highest-scoring old boy, Gregory Chen (62).

We want to sincerely thank our chapter director, Ambrose Cheung (1969), who secured a good deal with the restaurant. He is the best floor manager. Several old boys sponsored lucky draw prizes. Overall, about 1 of 2 attendees won prizes, and we could not be more thankful. Among them, Dr. William Chan (1969) prepared 12 grand prizes.

Our Chapter would also like to thank all the members of the organizing committee namely, Danny Au Yeung (67), Ambrose Cheung (69), Ken Wong (90), Raymond Dau (91), Chris Fong (94), Michael Kong (94), Alex Tsoi (2016) and Kenny Fong (2017).

Background of Louis Pomeroy Memorial Mah Jong Tournament
At the February 2011 Board meeting, the Chapter directors voted unanimously to name henceforth the chapter’s annual spring mahjong tournament the Louis Pomeroy Memorial Trophy Mahjong Tournament in honor and memory of Louis Pomeroy (1941), who left us peacefully on February 1, 2011. Louis was one of the most senior old boys of the Toronto Chapter, and a very loyal one, too. He served as 1st V.P. on the LSCOBA(HK) Committee in the mid-1960s, and was an incumbent director (2009-2011) of the Toronto Chapter. The mahjong tournament was his favorite chapter event

2023 Brother Thomas Golf Tournament

The busy season is in full swing, and so were the Toronto Chapter! On September 17th, a group of alumni came together for the annual Brother Thomas Cup golf tournament at Wyndance Golf Club. We were lucky to have over 24 participants this year, who all had an amazing time catching up and showing off their golf skills.

The match was then followed by an award ceremony at Venue Starchiva Cuisine where winners of the match got to celebrate their victories with a nice dinner and pictures.

A big shoutout to our champion, John Yeung (73), as well as our 1st runner up Peter Ma (81) and 2nd runner up Phillip Wong (67).

We would also like to extend a special note of thanks to William Chan (69) and John Yeung (73) who have volunteered their time to organize the event.

2024 La Salle Day Dinner and Annual General Meeting

Dear Lasallians,

Please be informed that the HKLSOBA – Toronto Annual General Meeting 2024 and the Dinner will be held on:

Date: May 15, 2024 (Wednesday)
Venue: Casa Deluz Banquet Hall 豪門宴 – 1571 Sandhurst Circle, Scarborough, Ontario
Time: 6:30 p.m.

Cost for dinner: $65.00 ($35.00 for those at school and Free for seniors over 80 years of age). Free of charge for attending the meeting only

AGM agenda:
1. Confirmation of quorum
2. Financial report
3. President’s report
4. New Business
5. Adjournment

Please RSVP by March 10 at 647-928-5880 or at kevinkwok26@gmail.com

2023 Toronto Brother Thomas Cup Golf Tournament

Dear La Salle Old Boys,

We are pleased to invite you to the La Salle Old Boys’ Golf Tournament. The event will be held at Wyndance Golf Club on Sunday, September 17th, 2023. We welcome the guests to join but only La Salle old boys will be competing for the Brother Thomas Cup. Please register before 14 September 2023 as only  24 spots are available.

The information is as follows:
Date: September 17 (Sunday)
Starting time: 1:30 pm
Venue Wyndance Golf Club

Address: 450 Durham Regional Rd 21, Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R4
Cost: $120 + tax (including use of power cart) – to be paid at clubhouse pro shop.

Date: 17 September 2023
Time: 7:00 pm
Venue Starchiva Cuisine星芝華私廚
Address: 160 East Beaver Creek Rd unit 4-6
RichmondHill, ON L4B 3J6
Cost: $60:00

For additional information please contact
John Yeung (73): jktyeung@yahoo.com
Kevin Kwok (88):kevinkwok26@gmail.com

2024 Louis Pomeroy Memorial Mah Jong Tournament/Chinese Spring Dinner


On behalf of HKLSOBA-Toronto, we invite you, your family, and your friends to join our Louis Pomeroy Memorial Mah Jong Tournament/ Chinese Spring  Dinner.

Date: 10 March 2024 (Sunday)

Venue: NKS BANQUET HALL 帝寶名宴 (8360 Kennedy Road, Unit B06, Markham, ON L3R 9W5)

Mah Jong Tournament: 1-6 pm

Dinner: 7-10 pm

Cost per head: $60.00 inclusive of mahjong, afternoon snack, and dinner, $55.00 for dining only, $30 for  students and Free for seniors over 80 years of age

Please RSVP by March 5 at 647-928-5880 or at kevinkwok26@gmail.com

2023 La Salle Day Dinner and Annual General Meeting

Dear Lasallians,

Please be informed that the HKLSOBA – Toronto Annual General Meeting 2023 and the Dinner will be held on:

Date: May 15, 2023 (Monday)

Venue: Casa Deluz Banquet Hall 豪門宴 – 1571 Sandhurst Circle, Scarborough, Ontario

Time: 6:30 p.m.

Members are welcome to attend the AGM only, which is free of charge.  Proposed AGM agenda:

    1. President’s report
    2. Treasurer’s report
    3. Motions
    4. Board of Directors nomination and election (if necessary)
    5. New Business 
    6. Adjournment

Dinner is optional.   Cost:

$70/ person

$35/ Old boys who are attending grade 12 or lower

$35/ Old boys who are 80 years and older

Please RSVP before May 8. 

Email: admin@lscobator.org

Louis Pomeroy Memorial Mah Jong Tournament/Chinese Spring Dinner 2023

On behalf of HKLSOBA-Toronto, we invite you, your family, and your friends to join our Louis Pomeroy Memorial Mah Jong Tournament/ Chinese Spring  Dinner.

Date: 12 March 2023 (Sunday)

Venue: NKS BANQUET HALL 帝寶名宴 (8360 Kennedy Road, Unit B06, Markham, ON L3R 9W5)

Mah Jong Tournament: 1-6 pm

Dinner: 7-10 pm

Cost per head: $60.00 inclusive of mahjong, afternoon snack, and dinner, $55.00 for dining only ($30 for  those at school and Free for seniors over 80 years of age)

Please RSVP by March 7 at 647-928-5880 or at kevinkwok26@gmail.com


Video Recording of the LSC 90th Anniversary Gala Dinner

Full coverage of the LSC 90th Anniversary Gala Dinner held on the evening of December 10 at the HK Convention & Exhibition Centre. Br. Thomas’ opening speech at the beginning, historical titbits by Jack So (head prefect from the Class of 1964 & famous HK personality), Pao Siu Hung (President of La Salle Foundation & former Boy Scouts Commissioner of HK), and Principal Tong’s presentation on LSC’s future development plan (starting at ~1:51:00) are worth watching, among other programs.

Message from the President

Dear La Salle Brothers,

The HKLSOBA-Toronto held its Annual General Meeting on June 17, 2022, at Casa Deluz Banquet Hall (豪門宴) with 111 old boys attending.

The following Board of  Directors and Office Bearers were elected, to be in office until May 15, 2023:

President: Kevin Kwok (1988)

Vice Presidents: Thomas Leung (1972), Felix Leung (1985) and Chris Fong (1994)

Treasurer: Francis Yeung (1971)

Secretary: Raymond Dau (1990)

Sports Captain: Gordon Tam (1977)

Directors:  Jimmy Chang (66), Bill Chau (98), Ambrose Cheung (69),Albert Ho (53),Michael Mau (64),Philip Wong (67),John Yeung (73), Michael Yuen (74)

Peter Chan (72) will continue to serve the HKLSOBA-Toronto as Immediate Past President.

Please see the attached group photo for your reference.

Yours sincerely,  

Kevin Kwok (88)

President (HKLSOBA – Toronto)

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