Message from the President

Dear La Salle Brothers,

The HKLSOBA-Toronto held its Annual General Meeting on June 17, 2022, at Casa Deluz Banquet Hall (豪門宴) with 111 old boys attending.

The following Board of  Directors and Office Bearers were elected, to be in office until May 15, 2023:

President: Kevin Kwok (1988)

Vice Presidents: Thomas Leung (1972), Felix Leung (1985) and Chris Fong (1994)

Treasurer: Francis Yeung (1971)

Secretary: Raymond Dau (1990)

Sports Captain: Gordon Tam (1977)

Directors:  Jimmy Chang (66), Bill Chau (98), Ambrose Cheung (69),Albert Ho (53),Michael Mau (64),Philip Wong (67),John Yeung (73), Michael Yuen (74)

Peter Chan (72) will continue to serve the HKLSOBA-Toronto as Immediate Past President.

Please see the attached group photo for your reference.

Yours sincerely,  

Kevin Kwok (88)

President (HKLSOBA – Toronto)

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